Welcome to How to People

Happy Wednesday, all!

I've developed a newsletter called How to People for founders and leaders who are curious about community as a business strategy. I'm using it to help them understand both the hard tactics and subtle nuances surrounding human behavior in high ROI communities, and to get feedback on the content for the next great community book. ;)

If this sounds interesting, I would be delighted to welcome you.

Here’s the 'positioning statement' for the book:


I am writing for founders and leaders who are community-curious but don’t know where to start or how community drives business outcomes.

Core message

Community is the future of competitive advantage. Here’s how to build it right.


By the end of this book, you will have a framework for understanding how to convert your customers into a thriving brand community, the frameworks for driving outcomes for both members and revenue, and some great case studies on how 8-figure brands built their communities.

I can’t promise that you won’t run into roadblocks (you will), but I can promise that you will get tactical, thoughtful guidance on how to build a high-impact community that brings your mission further, faster.

Any feedback? Would you buy the book? What am I missing?

April MacLean

Founder @ Wondry

PS - if this isn’t relevant, reply back with ‘no thanks’ and you won't receive another email from me.

We help tech and media companies skyrocket retention by converting customers into a thriving brand community.

When you’re ready, you can work with us in two ways:

Strategic Engagement: for brands who want high touch, custom community plans and guidance.

Wondry Membership: A private network of solopreneurs and founders of small teams ready to make community their next competitive advantage.